We use the latest technology in servicing two and four stroke outboard boat motors.
We use a range of marine scan tools to access all late model 2 and 4 stroke computer controlled or EFI outboards such as HPDI, ETEC and Optimax. Our comprehensive standard service includes inspection of the boat and trailer to ensure you are safe on the water.
Our checks include:
- Run Combustion Cleaner Through Engine
- Check Fuel System & Replace Filters
- Check Electrical Starting & Charging System
- Test Batteries
- Replace Spark Plugs & Check Ignition
- Compression Test
- Change Oil & Filter (Four Stroke)
- Check Cooling System (Water Pump, Thermostats, Warning System)
- Replace Gear Oil
- Tune Motor
- Lube Motor & Trailer
- Check Computer (ECU, EMM) & Download History / Fault Codes
- Check All Electrics on Boat (Sounder, GPS, VHF, Bilge Pump, Nav / Cabin Lights)
- Inspect Trailer for WOF / Safety Check
- Lube Jockey Wheel & Winch